Information Technology

We protect and help innovate your legal IT solutions

We have world-class expert within the area of IT Law. Our firm provides legal services to clients in conducting business and making use of business potentials based on technological expertise and technology developments.

Understanding the dynamics of IT innovation processes and managing the risks of changes in regulatory landscape are crucial for our clients. We have experienced in managing clients’ IT legal business opportunities and IT legal processes as well as assisting clients in compliance with IT laws and regulations.

Information Technology

Data Protection
Internet Business
Social Media
Technology Transaction
Cloud Service
Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence

Privacy and Data Protection & Compliance

We assist clients to establish online business practices meeting the legal standards and regulations relating to Privacy and Data Protection in Indonesia.

We assist in preparation of guidelines and legal agreements relating to the dissemination and collection of personal information (personally identifiable information) over internet, as well as reviewing the existing Privacy Policy and Term of Use.

We assist clients in general compliance in personal data collection and processing of personal data. We prepare agreements and assist in establishment of procedures meeting detailed requirement for data transfer in cross-border data flow.

Internet Business & E-Commerce

We help clients to review and analyze current online presence and businesses in view of compliance to the existing laws and regulations in Indonesia. In doing so, we also help to identify and mitigate possible risks accompanying such online presence and business.

We counsel online business owners in expanding their online presence while considering potential business risks and opportunities raised by technology such as data mining, third party websites linking and online advertising.

We help clients in drafting website policies such as terms of use, terms and conditions, privacy policy, legal notice, disclaimers, copyrights compliance process to ensure compliance with prevailing regulation while protecting clients’ legitimate business interests.

Domain Name

We have long experience in all areas of domain name practice. We help client to recognize the strategic value of domain names. We advise clients on new domain names that may impact their businesses and establishments. We assist inbuilding portfolios and conduct domain name enforcement actions on clients’ behalf.

A sampling of services provided herein include:

  • Counseling in all matters related to protection and usage of domain names
  • Preparing customized domain name agreements such as development and maintenance agreement, sale and purchase, lease agreement, or revenue sharing agreements
  • Acting as local representatives for foreign domain owners as required byte Indonesian domain name registry (Pengelola Nama Domain Internet/PANDI)
  • Registration, transfer and renewal of domain names
  • Domain name acquisition
  • Domain name investigation

Social Media

We help employers to set guidelines for their employees when discussing or posting information about employers via social media. We do this by striking the balance between employees’ freedom of speech and employer’s legitimate business interests.

We provide legal advice and guidelines for companies for monitoring or identifying information available in the employees’ social media accounts to manage the companies’ reputation and prevent disparagement to companies’ business reputation and brands.

Terms of Use Agreements

We help online business owners in compliance with prevailing laws applicable for online businesses while limiting liabilities and protecting legitimate business interests.

We assist clients in creating Terms of Use Agreements, Legal Notice and disclaimer for websites. We help to review existing online agreements and provide advice on matters relating to unlawful use and reference to third-party intellectual property rights.

E-Commerce Agreements

We provide assistance to protect the clients’ interests when entering into eCommerce Agreements with business partners and third parties. We provide cost-efficient strategies and online solutions while ensuring compliance with prevailing eCommerce laws and regulations.

We help clients in the selection of online contracting and e-commerce contract models and processes. We prepare and review Terms of Use, Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.We help to clarify terms and conditions, and limit the interpretation of technical terms that may lead to possible disputes.

Technology Transaction & Outsourcing Arrangements

We provide counsel on comprehensive technology transactions, risk assessment and management and development of effective business and licensing models relating to technology assets protection.

We help to identify relevant developments from IT business, law and intellectual property practices as part of our services in providing practical and up to date business legal advice to clients.

We safeguard clients’ interests in IT outsourcing agreements and address clients expectations.We advise clients on strategic values and significant of time frames and measurements, bonuses and penalties, quality and reviews, and exit strategies.

Cloud Service

We assist and provide advice in all matters relating to utilization of cloud computing technology in businesses including identification of suitable cloud computing models and potential risks and liabilities involved. We assist in the assessment of cloud providers and determination of scope of services, types of data that will be transferred, scope of audit, allowed risks and fair limitation of liability clause.

We negotiate on clients’ behalf and help to review cloud computing agreements either for clouds service providers and clouds service clients. We assist clients in compliance to applicable and relevant laws. We provide advice on matters relating to requirements and implications of location of data, data ownership, data security, data breach and termination of clouds contract.

Software Development Agreements & Licensing

We assist clients to understand the potentials and legal implications of the fact that software design and development processes may varyand depend on the nature and complexity of software as well as the development methodologies employed.

We prepare and negotiate all types of standard and customized software contracts.We advise clients on matters relating to clients’ interests protections in relation to source code ownership, supports, installation and integration, maintenance and services levels, and most importantly, on the ownership of the relevant intellectual property rights. We help to set clear expectations relating to sub-licensing, transfer ability or exclusivity.

We assist to prepare software licensing models and agreements that afford software due protection and clients’ best interests. We help to set clear descriptions of services and terms that are most likely enforceable when disputes arise.

Cyber Security

We assist clients to institute security systems and procedures in compliance with prevailing laws and regulations. We provide advice to resolve disputes and help clients to adopt strategic solutions to solve business problems posed by cyber threats.We help in data security risk assessments as well as in developing and improving incident response plans.

We provide advice on strategic structuring of business relationships in a manner that is sensitive to cyber security concerns. We assist with incident response following a data breach and act on our clients’ behalf to make appropriate defense or offense as needed when a data breach case evolves into a full blown litigation case.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, and its integration into various business sectors presents unique challenges and opportunities particularly in the realm of Information Technology (IT) and Intellectual Property (IP).

We assist clients in advising the integration of AI related matters in their IT businesses especially in regards to data privacy, cybersecurity, and regulatory compliance. We assist in providing critical guidance to clients who develop, deploy, or use AI technologies, to ensure that their businesses adhere to laws governing the use of data, IP protection, as well as specialized licensing agreements.


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